Dear Friends,
What's a 50/50 Raffle? Basically, we sell tickets like we have in previous years, but the prize is half of the takings. That's right. If we raise $100, the prize is $50. If we raise $5,000, the prize is $2,500! Really, the sky's the limit!
So in order to offer a really grand prize, we're offering this raffle early this year. Every dollar that we make goes to help keep our venerable old church going yet another year, so please be generous! If you'd rather just make a donation without participating in the raffle, please click here. The form for buying raffle tickets is below. An individual ticket is $1, and can be bought in packs of 6 for $5. Check back often to see how high the thermometer has gone. The prize will be 50% of that amount.
You must be 18 years old to play. By submitting payment you are attesting that you are at least 18 years old.
We look forward to seeing you on August 20 at the picnic!
Thank you in advance for your generosity! Our Lady of Victories, Pray for Us!